Dr. Marcelo Femenias Vidal


Born in 1971. Doctor in Law and Social Sciences, University of the Republic, Montevideo, 1996.

Master in Corporate Law, University of Montevideo, 2000.

Post-graduate Degree in Intellectual Property, University of Montevideo, 2013.

Post-graduate Degree in Intellectual Property, University of Montevideo, 2019.

Diploma in Intellectual Property, Universidad Austral (Argentina), 2020.

Attended the Course in Obligations and Contracts delivered by Professor Arturo Caumont, Postgraduate Center of the Law School, 1998.

Completed the Course “Contracts and International Businesses: Comparative Perspectives” delivered by Professor Alejandro Garro from Columbia Law School, N.Y.C. at University of Montevideo, 2000.

Member of the Bar Association.

English - Spanish